About the Law Firm Ranking Report

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How we help law firms, buyers of legal services and law students to select the best Law Firm Rankings / Directories.

If you hire law firms using a Gold Standard Law Firm Ranking, your decision process is always  fundamentally correct. Also, you can always defend your decision to your superiors in a simple and clear way. ​ 

Because Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings are doing an extensive market research by researching former and current cases law firms have and are working on. The detailed definition of a Gold Standard Law Firm Ranking and their research process can be found here (What are Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings).

Our table of Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings shows you which Ranking is strongest in which country and which legal field. 

Look for law firms who are ranked in as many Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings as possible.

Avoid law firms who are not ranked in any Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings.

By using Gold Standard Rankings, you can therefore always defend your decision to your superiors in a simple and clear way. 

There are over 1.000 Law Firm Rankings worldwide. You can lose a lot of time and resources trying to get into the wrong Law Firm Rankings. 

Be careful: The quality of the research process of a Law Firm Ranking reflects directly to every law firm ranked in such a publication.

Since buyers of legal services are often from the legal profession themselves, they will know if you are participating in low quality Law Firm Rankings.

Therefore, make sure you participate only in Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings. These Rankings have a proven, extensive research process. The detailed definition of a Gold Standard Law Firm Ranking and their research process can be found here (What are Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings).

Due to the extensive research process, it is of course difficult to get into Gold Standard Law Firm Rankings. But that is precisely the point of a thorough evaluation process. Would you like to go to a dentist who is included in rankings which make it effortless for everyone to be included?

Be aware though that there are differences in quality even in the Gold Law Firm Rankings. For instance: One Ranking can be better in Germany / Banking & Finance, but another one may have the better results for e.g. Sweden / Capital Markets.

Law Firms are therefore advised to cover as many Gold Standard Rankings as possible. That way, if one Ranking in one year is better than another Ranking, you will still be able to show that you are ranked in the best current Gold Standard Ranking.   

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Founder Alexander Gendlin

Founder and Owner of the Law Firm Rankings Report. Mr Gendlin is author of the worldwide first-ever book about Law Firm Rankings, the Compass Law Firm Rankings, published by market leaders MANZ (A), C.H. BECK (DT) and Stämpfli (CH) in English and German.

Mr Gendlin is Managing Partner of Law Business – Business Consulting for Law Firms and has been working in the legal sector since 2004 and also has 5 years of experience in the following top companies: