In a recent case handled by Tuckers Solicitors, James McCrindell was assigned by the “Registrar of Criminal Appeals” to appeal against a suspended sentence of imprisonment. McCrindell successfully argued that the appellant had already served time in custody and was under a valid curfew, making a suspended sentence of imprisonment an improper punishment.
Furthermore, McCrindell argued that the appellant had already served the maximum time permitted for the offence for which he was to be sentenced, making a conditional discharge an improper punishment as well. As a result, the Court decided to replace the first Suspended Sentence Order with an unconditional release.
The successful outcome of the case was achieved thanks to the expertise of Tuckers Solicitors’ Christiana Hayward-Kourabas, who instructed James McCrindell during the Crown Court proceedings.
For detailed information, as well as the picture copyright, please see the law firm’s original article here: James McCrindell success in the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division.