A group from Squire Patton Boggs, led by a partner named Francesco Liberatore, was successful in assisting a client from the telecommunications industry in obtaining approval from the European Commission for a subsidy in the amount of €500 million to support the deployment of broadband backhaul infrastructure in Spain. The approval was granted in accordance with the rules governing EU State aid.
This subsidy, which will be funded through the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), will support the deployment of broadband backhaul networks in order to encourage the development of performant mobile services in Spain and to assist Spanish consumers and businesses in rural areas in gaining access to high-quality mobile services.
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Since its founding in 2021, the Competition-Antitrust Practice Group at Squire Patton Boggs has amassed a wealth of experience in the field of RRF implementation in accordance with the regulations governing EU State aid.
Link to the law firm’s website for further information
Picture (c): www.squirepattonboggs.com